I have two ongoing issues with a Norstar MICS and Call Pilot 150. The atttendant is set up to be 222. The CP150 was first setup to be manually controlled, and then to auto by a different tech, and now back again to manual, so there may be parts of both still tough to find in the programming.
Firstly- although the manual night service button is programmed on 222, 221's display always says "Service On". Neither can the service be turned on or off with set 221 I have searched for any references to 221 as a control set, etc, but don't see any.
Second- When 222 turn night service on, you get 4 choices-one for each schedule-Morning, Noon, Eve, AfterHours. This is confusing. To turn it off, you choose "Normal ringing" from any one of these 4 schedules. Should I use only 1 schedule, make a new schedule called "night", or overlap the default schedules-Morn, Noon, Eve, After?
Two heads are not always better than one..