Yes, Arthur. We have a company that constantly tries to steal our customers. It's really annoying. When confronted, it's always "Sorry, we didn't know they were your customer." I guess the Americom sticker on the front of the KSU was too subtle of a hint.

Downtown Pittsburgh was similar. Of course, Pittsburgh is no New York. But the service techs that worked downtown basically worked out of two COs and had supplies delivered to them. Occasionally, on an emergency or really big job, crews from other areas would work the downtown area and report to one of two COs. Some large office buildings had similar supply depots and Bell Telephone had a good working relationship with the building managers. After 1974, it all went away, just like Arthur said.

Ah, "the good ole daze." Herbert Hoover, No Welfare and you could buy a LaSalle for under a grand.


Americom, Inc.
Where The Art And Science Of Communications Meet