To the others seeing 7.5 crashes, have you seen it on new installs (fresh install of 7.5, then programmed), or on any 7.5 system?

The reason I ask is that we upgraded our in-house system to and settings here and there were lost. For example, the imap port, 143, was no longer open on the WAN. The system (a 48X!) would crash after five minutes [it was functioning as a router for only five people (although this was possibly due to the DoS attack against system that were hacked and then subsequently patched but I didn't have time to capture packets)]. To fix it I put in a different router and disabled ping (stealth dmz).

As a general rule, never install the newest allworx software until it's been out for about six months or has seen about 3 or 4 revisions. This software is on the portal as "not having seen a diverse range of deployments", which is their way of saying its beta.

Last edited by justingoldberg; 06/29/13 03:20 AM.