OK, let's rehash a few of your attempts to break down my statements.

"Many phone systems use 2 and some even 4 cable pairs to operate. That is MANY more than a computer."

HUH?!?!? Completely lost me there. Your most basic network wiring (10/100) requires 2 cable pairs, if you wanted to go Gigabit then it requires 4 cable pairs. Seems to me to be the same numbers there. I'm pretty good at math too, so I'm fairly confident 2=2 and 4=4. Laughable? Yes, your logic is.

So you are saying that when the CMOS battery in your computer dies, you would be perfectly content for it to show absolutely NO response when you power it on? And the Cisco routers, when you first hook them up and connect into them, do you THEN need to go to Cisco, get certification from them, and ONLY then can you configure them? Nope. Plug it in, bring up their web interface, and configure away.

"Programming a Cisco router is the same as learning how to use Peachtree." First, I would recommend you NEVER consider opening a business managing peoples books as a Cisco router would do a HORRIBLE job of it. And second, it is the same. Anyone who knows enough to understand what the purpose of the Cisco router is and WHY it needs to be configured, can typically get it into an operational state. Now, would it be the best tuned to the task at hand by them? More than likely no, but it WOULD be up and doing the job. And without needing to get certified by Cisco before they can even get a copy of the "configuration" software for that router.

I didn't choose to ignore advice, I realized it was most likely not applicable to this situation and pushed for more answers. I found my answers, and learned quite a bit about phone systems along the way. I apologize that I was not born with the knowledge that you apparently had the moment you entered the telecom field, but some of us attempt to continue learning as we advance forward in life.

To everyone else, I apologize for resorting again to this useless bashing. But if someone is going to call me out (and with such wildly incorrect statement that attempts to show their superior intellect) I WILL respond in kind and set the record straight.

Greg Hicks
Tekamba Computers, LLC
[email protected]