If you have a T-Berd 224, you can monitor the circuit in both directions.

The Titan 5500 is similar to the 532L, but it is a wideband DCS (3->1). Default setting for timing is "Thru", meaning the Titan will not provide a clock signal (it is transparent).

If the circuit facing the customer is set up as a CST, you can check the setting by using the "RTRV-T1::xxx-xx:(ctag);" command and look for the timing datafield. You could also check the connected side as well (I think DGRs also have the timing datafield).

If the problem follows the device, as opposed to following the T1 it might indicate a problem with a T1 card in the CPE (hardware or software) or even a marginal cable between the CSU (if one is there) and the PBX. Also have the CPE programming checked to make sure that it is timing off of the T1 span as opposed to its own internal clock (aka free-run).

An overnight or over the weekend monitor with the T-Berd might be helpful.