Seeing how all the skeletons are coming out, let me ask a question: I'm going to put a cuckoo clock phone in my kitchen. Ed, you once accurately predicted the year my house was built based on the cabling they used - you also gave the name of the cable type, the white stuff with 6 conductors.

Ken could fish a 25 pair to my kitchen, based on the fact that there are return air ducts near the install location. But I can't ask him to do that, and I'm not even gonna try. All I have is a fish tape; I think you guys have some nylon/fiberglass rods you use for this type of thing. Anyway, I'm a disaster waiting to happen (I drilled through a 240v cable just trying to run a 4 conductor wire once) with this type of stuff.

So now I know I actually have 7 conductors, assuming I use earth ground as a ground.

So, if you guys took out all your skeletons.... is there anyway to get 2 lines working on my cuckoo clock with 7 leads? I can forego the buzzer.

If not, I'll just go with one line.
