Yep, been there, done that as well. I lost count of how many times I'd be punching down a keyset, get to the 23rd or 24th pair, punch it down, for some reason it cut on both top and bottom, try to pull a little slack... punch it again.... cuts on top and bottom again... no more slack.

Yank all of 'em and start over.

But I'm starting to get the hang of it, and the logic behind all of it is standing out clearly. I doubt I'll ever get to the point where I can punch down all 25 pairs from memory, even though I understand (thanks to Ken) the color coding pattern, and that there are really only 5 combinations.

But I will say that punching down the cross connects the proper way took half the time the other (wrong) way did, and I only cross connected 2 lines that way. Also Ed gave me a great tutorial on how to punch the Intercom lines, so that went like a breeze as well.