Hi NotaMemberYet

To answer your question; on the B screen we have lines 1-48 identified.

Lines 1-24 tell me they are the Bell South local T1 as they contain the incoming/outgoing voice channels (1-8) (CO lines)then say like channels 9-14 are not identified as being anything; then 15-24 are identified as DID lines - right now from home I can't remeber what else may be there but the last two channels are data channels (our internet service). There is a Southern Bell T1 Box on the wall for these channels - I see it marked as Bell South equipmen. Lines 1-8 are lines that are used for both incoming local calls and then when anyone from our facility picks up the phone and dials out, it also grabs one of those 8 lines to go out on. We have LCR that channels the outgoing calls to the least cost routing.

Then channel 25 begins what I recognize as our 800 numbers/trunks. Not all these channels are used but all that are in this group are long distance related. There are no data channels from 25-48. AT&T is our current LD carrier, but we are trying to switch over to Bell South.

I hope I answered your question . . . .thanks for asking. . . thanks for your help.