Thanks Just Bill,

It makes me feel better to know that maybe the unsuccesssful switch over may not have been something I should have done. I do believe Bell South is missing something here.

My vendor, the honest/decent person that he is said there's no need to pay us $300 minimum to be on site; there's absolutely nothing we need to do. If Bell South codes their equipment correctly everything should work onece the jack is moved from AT&T to Bell South. I had words with the BS CSR Friday afternoon before the attempted switch over. She insisted that the vendor needed to be there. She said she NEVER experienced a switchover without a vendor, yet they were not going to be on site to support their equipment. She said they were not allowed to touch our equipment - it was our responsibility to configure our system. Our vendor said there was no configuration to be done. Oh well - . . . . we'll see what's next. . .LOL!

I'll let you know what happens, just for the heck of it. I have a feeling it isn't going to be pretty ;>(