hey Guru, living in Ft Worth, ya'll got Tandy. The helped during the first attack on phone guy income.

My issue is not whether or not we eventually migrate to VoIP, but the method it is being accomplished.

Computer Geeks are making telecom recommendations based on what they know about data comm. OK, so, a resent packet is acceptable (for data). Too bad the resent voice packet was out of place and all you got was garbled mumbling.

QoS, SECURITY, down-time, and a few other issues are going to need to improve before I would even begin recommending VoIP.

Point-To-Point between enterprise switches, cool!
Home use for folks that use their cell phone more than the home phone, cool!
Business class communications like the past 6 generations of Americans have been accustomed to, not so cool!
Upgrading software everytime a bug is uncovered, not cool at all!

Bring up the quality, stabilize the product offerings, yeah, I will jump on the IP is great bandwagon.

Until it is great, keep outta my backyard!

it's all tip and ring